Monday, April 26, 2010

in the newspaper


. My pictures are in the newspapers .

Like the title said!! :D yeay~~~
its not much but it isnt that always that my pictures get published somewhere :P
its in the Borneo Bulletin, the 26th april 2010 edition, on page 16
if you don't have an that date's newspaper, you can go online and check here


. Whats going on .

There's nothing much going on.
i forgot that there was a photography competition which ended on the 24th April :(
and there was a photography competition in KB that i didnt know about
and i joined a photography competition a month late. gara2 inda meliat dateline bulan! haha
sooooooooooo =(

anyway, theres another photography competition that is already started =)
so heads up for that!
i've download 2 cool softwares
Photoscape and Portrait professional!!
very cool picture editing software! :D

other than that..

n i am officially NOT working anymore =)


The Ship


. 9 Days .
. A .


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