Friday, September 19, 2008

Gossip and Bday and Test


went to the graveyard with my dad and the cousins.. you knw lah whats what lah di sana..

buuutt you know, i tot kalau main pulau2 kan ani is kids stuff bah hehehe yes its kids stuff but we're still doing it =D 
but my uncle tadi said,"tu brother brother..arah bawah bukit ah..OKB" arah his father, kirakan my nini punya adi bradi lah... so ramai tah durg macam singih2 tu haha =D my uncle and the adi-bradi lah...
i wanna tell you the story buuuuut takut ku kana buang negeri ni hahaha =D
just ask me at school lah then if you wanna know =)


There's nothing much today.. just being a bum lah saja...
note to self and my FIS classmates...
Siap kan essay for tomorrow
and Business Law people..
ada test esuk!!! =D


Yesterday, Celebrated Qays bday with fatin and the family =P


n you, still feeling cold? =P


... Aku ada tessssst ...
... AryF ...
... 14 ...


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